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A map of Celtica.

Celtica is a small country bordering Araluen.

Celtica landscape


Celtica is a country southwest of Araluen, located on the same island. It only borders Araluen, for the rest of its boundaries are formed by the sea. It also borders the Mountains of Rain and Night where Morgarath was driven back and into exile after his attempt to claim power. Celtica is separated from the Mountains of Rain and Night by the Fissure, a crack in the earth that runs into the sea. Celtica's buildings are mainly made of stone, as the scarce amount of timber available is used for holding up the coal and iron mines.


How closely related Celtic and Araluen culture remains uncertain, though the key difference appears in the Celtic love of mining. Due to their love of mining and working with iron, their craftmanship may outstrip Araluens, though there has been no mention of this in the books. This is also the reason Morgarath's Wargals invaded, to use their mining skills.

Celtica is perhaps one of Araluen's closest allies and the neighboring kingdom is a longtime friend of Celtica, the two having worked together frequently, with both sides striving to keep the positive relations.


Celtica is ruled by King Swyddned. His daughter is Princess Madelydd. The form of government in Celtica is the Celtic Embassy, which has an old saying. "One man may be deceit, two can be conspiracy. three is the number I trust" meaning the Embassy will allow no less than three people to bring dispatches. This tradition is due to the fact that the periods of dating advice Celta, where they, the Scottis and Hibernians were allies ruled by a triumvirate. Celtica's villages are all ruled by a Riadhah, who has absolute control over the village.


As Gilan often says, "Celts would rather dig their land then defend it." As a result, King Swyddned doesn't keep a large standing army (as was typical of countries, Araluen included), preferring to use every available man for mining. This is why Celtica was so easily overrun by Wargals in The Burning Bridge, although the small-standing army that Swyddned did maintain was still powerful and effective enough to defend the king and the majority of Celtica's outer population from prevent southern Celtica from being overrun by the rampaging Wargals.


Celtica has its own religion which has something to do with the gods of fire and iron. The architecture of temples to these gods includes a spire.


  • Celtica is likely to be based on Wales.
  • The name Celtica probably derives from the Celtic culture, an ancient pre-roman culture that dominated much of mainland northern Europe, the British Isles, central Anatolia and much of north-western Iberia. Their influence waned with the rise of the Roman Republic and later empire. Groups of the Celtic culture included the Gauls (inhabitants of modern-day France), Celtiberians (inhabitants of modern-day Iberia), Britons (distributed in mainland Britain), Gaels (concentrated in modern-day Ireland and Scotland), and the Galatians (inhabitants of modern-day central Anatolia).